A quick way to update HP ILO3

Below are the steps to upgrade the HP ILO3 safely on a RedHat server.

Java used to upgrade and change daily. Due to this many people now get something like “Can’t connect securely to this page” error when trying to access HP ILO3 page.

Connect to HP ILO3 service with ssh and check the version.

</>hpiLO-> version
SM-CLP Version 1.0

If it is lower than v1.02 then we upgrade it to v1.02 first. To do that you need to connect to the OS of the server with ssh and add 32-bit support to the OS (if it already does not have it).

dnf install glibc.i686

Download and upgrade the ILO to v1.02

wget https://downloads.hpe.com/pub/softlib2/software1/sc-linux-fw-ilo/p1255562964/v64722/CP014002.scexe
sh CP014002.scexe
CP014002.scexe: line 175: popd: $: invalid argument
popd: usage: popd [-n] [+N | -N]
FLASH_iLO3 v1.02 for Linux (Apr 27 2010)
(C) Copyright 2002-2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Firmware image: ilo3_120.bin
Current iLO 3 firmware version  1.15; Serial number ILOCZ30495JYL
Component XML file: CP014002.xml
CP014002.xml reports firmware version 1.20
This operation will update the firmware on the
iLO 3 in this server with version 1.20.
Continue (y/N)?y
Current firmware is 1.15 (Oct 22 2010 )
Firmware image is 0x800000(8388608) bytes
Committing to flash part...
******** DO NOT INTERRUPT! ********
Flashing completed.
Attempting to reset device.
***** iLO 3 reboot in progress (may take up to 60 seconds.)
***** Please ignore console messages, if any.
iLO 3 reboot completed.

Now download and install the new version (v1.12).

wget https://downloads.hpe.com/pub/softlib2/software1/sc-linux-fw-ilo/p1573561412/v189986/CP046328.scexe
sh CP046328.scexe
FLASH_iLO3 v1.12 for Linux (Feb 25 2016)
Firmware image: ilo3_194.bin
Current iLO 3 firmware version  1.20; Serial number ILOCZ30495JYL
Component XML file: CP046328.xml
CP046328.xml reports firmware version 1.94
This operation will update the firmware on the
iLO 3 in this server with version 1.94.
Continue (y/N)?y
Current firmware is 1.20 (Mar 14 2011 )
Firmware image is 0x802cc8(8400072) bytes
Committing to flash part...
******** DO NOT INTERRUPT! ********
Flashing completed.
Attempting to reset device.
***** iLO 3 reboot in progress (may take up to 60 seconds.)
***** Please ignore console messages, if any.
iLO 3 reboot completed.

Now you can access ILO3 GUI with Edge in IE mode or directly with IE.

Author: Serdar Acir